Sunday, February 9, 2014

Not finished yet

The person will be sucked into the grain
We will continue to raise money to get the training and  ropes and harness to get these fire fighters certified.  We are not the only occupation that uses rope rescue or confined space rescue.  Companies that do plastic injection molding  and company that handles flour or powders. 
If you know of someone that can help us get this training or your company does such training please contact us
All is well on the farm wanting the snow to melt as we will start calving soon  frozen ground  is better than snow.  We have been known to unroll corn stalks for bedding  just being a farmer and taking care of the animals.  Until we talk again take care and be safe

He is in up to his waist in corn

They are sliding the tube that comes in 4 parts around the person sucked into the grain

They  fasten the tube and start removing the grain from around his body

The grain bin that is used for this training This is the top of semi

Hydraulics  cylinder to raise the top frame as seen below

These instructors are fire fighters when not on the road  Nice rig

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