Well we survived the monsoon this last month. Oh we are in Indiana not the Indian ocean. We are like all those who were under water didn't get a field or 2 planted the White River is finally back in its banks at least at our farm. We need to remember God is in control the last time I checked. Had to write about these flowers they are beautiful but also intoxicating to walk through them. My phlox usually gets mildew this year I started thinning it early and what is left is beautiful and no mildew. I have started milkweed seeds to grow some plants and with the cold weather and rain they are just now coming up I have roadside milkweed but these are different and the monarchs love them they are perennial so once I get them started I hope they will return
Enough for now I know I have been absent maybe I can work on that I am on facebook but I don't twitter and all the rest of that media
Enjoy this beautiful weather and take care