Wednesday, June 10, 2015


 Bats are part of the I69 highway study.  This is the 3rd time the biologist have come to visit our farm to see what bats we may have living here.  As you can see they carry nets in those containers on top of their truck.  The nets are raised in the air on both sides of the creek to catch the bats.  They band them check their sex and I believe they weigh  and record their species.  I watched the first year they were here I found it very interesting.  Bats are insect eaters and will consume 1/3 of their body weight in insects every night.  The biologist  will follow the bats for a few days with a radar system to find out where they are living.  I used to have one living in my garage attic I only would go up there during the day he would just stay put hanging on the rafters.
This is where they did their work

Installing the nets it was getting dark

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