When I was young I didn't care for cabbage but as I have become into adult hood. I love fried cabbage. If you have never tried cabbage fried you must try some. On New Years Day it is a tradition to have Cornbeef and Cabbage or maybe you might serve Ham and Cabbage. The one tradition I have not indulged in is black eye peas. I have seem them in every grocery store I have visited. I looked up on Google about the luck of foods. Well black eye peas gives good fortune and cabbage gives money. So there you have it. Go and get your share of the New Year Fortune.
Please visit http://www.facebook.com/TheRealFarmwivesofAmerica
Good luck and Happy New Year to all our farm families and friends for 2011
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Cleaning My Studio
The worst part about my studio is everything get put into that room. I pick-up around the house and it goes in my room where I paint. I know I have way too much stuff books , paints, brushes you name it and I probably have one in that room. I was going to take a picture but I didn't want to embarrass myself.
I even have a tread mill a nice one, had it several years walked a lot of miles on the thing. It is going to be a new year and it has to get back to work with me on its back I will take a picture of the room when I get done.
My sister left at noon for home which is Palo Alto, California. Talked to her a while ago and she was in Vegas on a lay over. Hope she get home soon she had been here 2 weeks and I know she was ready to go back. I think the weather is better there.
Maybe I will clean my room tomorrow I am going to watch TV with my hubby.
Take care until tomorrow
I even have a tread mill a nice one, had it several years walked a lot of miles on the thing. It is going to be a new year and it has to get back to work with me on its back I will take a picture of the room when I get done.
My sister left at noon for home which is Palo Alto, California. Talked to her a while ago and she was in Vegas on a lay over. Hope she get home soon she had been here 2 weeks and I know she was ready to go back. I think the weather is better there.
Maybe I will clean my room tomorrow I am going to watch TV with my hubby.
Take care until tomorrow
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Beautiful Day
I always enjoy the sunshine even if the temperature is freezing cold. Makes a person feel alive.
I don't know how they live in darkness like Alaska. Just glad I live in Indiana.
Need to get another cup of coffee get this day moving on. The shop will be open today and have called all the customers who need to pick up special orders and now I can paint or work on my gnomes from earlier post. Want to expand my collection of the little fellows.
A lot of things going on I am sure we are all covered up with more than we can get done.
Have a great day until tomorrow
I don't know how they live in darkness like Alaska. Just glad I live in Indiana.
Need to get another cup of coffee get this day moving on. The shop will be open today and have called all the customers who need to pick up special orders and now I can paint or work on my gnomes from earlier post. Want to expand my collection of the little fellows.
A lot of things going on I am sure we are all covered up with more than we can get done.
Have a great day until tomorrow
Monday, December 20, 2010
Hunk of Meat Mondays
I have used this Black beans and rice as it goes along way. I use 2 pounds of hamburger and 1 pound of smoked sausage fry up well, drain grease off, add mix from box and 2 3/4 cup water and in 25 minutes you have dinner add a vegetable, some bread maybe garlic bread and you are ready to eat.
Lana enjoy your hunk of meat, you will have to buy a bigger pot. Sure looked good
Until tomorrow

Thursday, December 16, 2010
I know it is a spoon
Tonight I am going to our County Beef meeting it is our Christmas dinner. I thought I would take my camera maybe I could get some pictures
Enough for now take care
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Christmas Tree
I said enough for now need to go get supper on the table. Spent most of the day baking.
Just want to say congratulation to Leah over at www.beyerbeware.blogspot.com for taking honors at the Farm Bureau this last weekend
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Ann's Musings
It sure has been a wet day on the farm. Don't like mud but it is getting that way. Hope it freezes because snow is better than mud on the Cows. The temperature is going to drop so maybe that will happen.
Went with Jim to the Farm Bureau State Convention. We saw several people who you don't get to see all the time as they come from several counties. They had what I will call classes or mini sessions on a lot of different subjects I went to the class on Social Media. Meet my blogger friend Lana from walkingtheoff-beatenpath.blogspot.com When the class started the instructor introduced himself and low and behold he was the son of one of our Landlords. It was so nice to see him. He said the last time he saw me was when he would help put up hay and this young man is now 43 and the father of 2 children my how time flies. He is David Cain of www.mediasauce.com
was an interesting session David I did enjoy you information.
Tomorrow I am going to get my tree trimmed for Christmas it is up with lights but no ornaments
Until tomorrow Stay warm
Went with Jim to the Farm Bureau State Convention. We saw several people who you don't get to see all the time as they come from several counties. They had what I will call classes or mini sessions on a lot of different subjects I went to the class on Social Media. Meet my blogger friend Lana from walkingtheoff-beatenpath.blogspot.com When the class started the instructor introduced himself and low and behold he was the son of one of our Landlords. It was so nice to see him. He said the last time he saw me was when he would help put up hay and this young man is now 43 and the father of 2 children my how time flies. He is David Cain of www.mediasauce.com
was an interesting session David I did enjoy you information.
Tomorrow I am going to get my tree trimmed for Christmas it is up with lights but no ornaments
Until tomorrow Stay warm
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Christmas Candy just a start
I haven't made it with this recipe you add water and salt to the butter and sugar go to the PioneerWomanCooks.com and Check out this recipe really like the taste and it looks good also.
I make candy, cookies and a fruit baskets for some of our landlords. Just a nice way to say thank you for doing business with us.
You could use nuts.
I am also going to try and attend the Farm Bureau convention in Indy tomorrow I am hoping to see some of my blogging friends and enjoy seeing old friends.
Take care and stay warm
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pictures of Pictures
I will post the rest maybe tomorrow
Take care until then
Monday, December 6, 2010
4# Chuck Roast
I got the Hunk of Meat from Leah at www.beyerbeware.blogspot.com
Sorry Leah I must of made a mistake I left you an extra Hunk of Meat with my blog name
Also wanted to mention the Cris at Goodenessgracious.blogspot.com did a great job telling us
about the Sweet Success at Hunters Honey Farm and Christmas Trees in the My Indiana Home the new magazine for Indiana Farm Bureau Members. Good story Cris job well done
Tracy Hunter is about 5 miles from us great family to do business with.
I have some pictures I will post in a few days
Until then take care

Saturday, December 4, 2010
Beautiful Snowfall
Today we have the shop Christmas Open House
Only been home for about 24 hours We are all on the right track with our promotion of Agriculture our way of life. What we know and do everyday.
The story from the International Fair Convention is FOOD-FARMS-FAMILIES
I will write more later
Take care until next time
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
No pictures needed
My son went into "In a pinch Rent it" and got the metal detector and guess what In 5 minutes I had my ring. The owner told him that it had found a lot of rings. I had raked the leaves from around the back door and moved them to cover my roses and other perennials for the winter and in the process I lost my ring I was sad not to be able to find it
I am a happy camper. Thank you to all who emailed me and prayed in hopes I would find it.
While I am on today I will be out of town from Friday to next Thursday We are going to the International Fair convention in Las Vegas NV. I have a two fold reason for going I have a sister who lives there so I hope to spend some time with her. She comes to Indiana at least once a year.
Jim will be busy with meetings and I will attend a few of the functions.
My sister tells me it is very cold for Vegas to wear my winter coat.
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving. Spend time with your families we never know about tomorrow.
Take care
I am a happy camper. Thank you to all who emailed me and prayed in hopes I would find it.
While I am on today I will be out of town from Friday to next Thursday We are going to the International Fair convention in Las Vegas NV. I have a two fold reason for going I have a sister who lives there so I hope to spend some time with her. She comes to Indiana at least once a year.
Jim will be busy with meetings and I will attend a few of the functions.
My sister tells me it is very cold for Vegas to wear my winter coat.
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving. Spend time with your families we never know about tomorrow.
Take care
Love to Eat
This is so easy to make any kind of pasta, jar of sauce and 1# of smoked sausage and cheese
cook pasta to the amount you need for your family. Put in dish or pan pour in sauce, top with with sausage sliced then top with Mozzarella cheese Cover with foil Cook in 400 degree oven 45 minutes or until brown.
My daughter and grand daughter eat with us just happen to stop by when we started to eat. Always as pleasure to have them.
My son went to see about a metal detector to rent we are still looking for the ring.
Take care and enjoy the sunshine today.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Had to have some cookies
I am wanting to start my Thanksgiving baking but I am a few days ahead of my self. We will probably have a few cookies left for Thanksgiving but I like fresh desserts for special occasion's
As I said before I got the Betty Crocker award in High School. Just stuck with me. Isn't that where we start a lot of out habits good or bad.
Hadn't said anything for awhile but I enjoy reading all the other blogs when time allows
You never know when you will meet someone different I went passed the shop tonight and there was a car in the drive way. I stopped in to see if they would like to go in. It was a young woman and two children boy and a girl. Come to find out the lady was the Nanny and she and the children just like to go around after school to have something to do. I invited her down to get a warm cookie and see the farm animals. They really enjoyed themselves The young woman is from Cal. and will be going back home in Dec. Maybe we can stay in touch I have her phone and I will talk to her again. Her family raises goats in Ca.
Take care until later
Friday, November 19, 2010
Grocery Shopping
Today I got my hair cut and then went to the store. Just to pick up a few things.
Well I got started and couldn't stop bought most of what I will need for Thanksgiving Day
I will cook dinner that day.
Speaking of turkey I bought a 20 pound Butterball the others looked just as good, but my
Mom always bought Butterball and I guess she must have been talking to me at the time.
My Mother is on the other side and she was 99 years and 7 months when she left this earth she was a great lady. Will always miss her.
I always put my Turkey in the oven the night before about 12:00 and by 6:00 in the morning the Turkey is done. Then I am ready to bake rolls
I let the yeast rolls rise over night they get nice and large I put them in cupcake pans 2 per cup make about 3 dozen double rolls. I use the Rhodes frozen yeast rolls used them for years just love the way they taste and rise.
I will try and bake the pies and maybe bake a cake on Wednesday
I am having my carpet cleaned on Wednesday so this might be challenging to say the least.
The shop is open tomorrow and I have some ladies coming to paint so I had better sign off for tonight
Until next time
Well I got started and couldn't stop bought most of what I will need for Thanksgiving Day
I will cook dinner that day.
Speaking of turkey I bought a 20 pound Butterball the others looked just as good, but my
Mom always bought Butterball and I guess she must have been talking to me at the time.
My Mother is on the other side and she was 99 years and 7 months when she left this earth she was a great lady. Will always miss her.
I always put my Turkey in the oven the night before about 12:00 and by 6:00 in the morning the Turkey is done. Then I am ready to bake rolls
I let the yeast rolls rise over night they get nice and large I put them in cupcake pans 2 per cup make about 3 dozen double rolls. I use the Rhodes frozen yeast rolls used them for years just love the way they taste and rise.
I will try and bake the pies and maybe bake a cake on Wednesday
I am having my carpet cleaned on Wednesday so this might be challenging to say the least.
The shop is open tomorrow and I have some ladies coming to paint so I had better sign off for tonight
Until next time
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Customer Service
That seems to be one of the most important parts of any business. I know if people are unhappy with your company. You should work to correct it if it is your fault. One of the fellows that gave a talk at the Coop meeting this last week, said he had dinner the night before and the food was terrible but that he would go back because his waiter was great. It doesn't make any difference what business your in customer service is very important.
We have gotten some more moisture and all of this will add up. Next spring we will need it to grow a crop. We have been doing field work and spreading fertilizer in preparation for next year. Maybe this will help us eliminate some of the spraying in the spring.
Weaned another batch of calves. In the winter we don't hear them but in the summer the calf barn is across the street from our bedroom window. They miss their Mom"s
Have another REMC meeting tonight
So until later Take care
We have gotten some more moisture and all of this will add up. Next spring we will need it to grow a crop. We have been doing field work and spreading fertilizer in preparation for next year. Maybe this will help us eliminate some of the spraying in the spring.
Weaned another batch of calves. In the winter we don't hear them but in the summer the calf barn is across the street from our bedroom window. They miss their Mom"s
Have another REMC meeting tonight
So until later Take care
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Statewide Annual meeting
I will be in Indianapolis for the annual meeting of Indiana Statewide. The theme is Together We Can. We will discuss how the election will effect our coops and your electric bills. I know that the CEO's that run the electric companies are committed to what electricity is going to cost the American people. We are different than IPL or Duke as they have Stockholder that they have to answer to, we are owned by our customers we are a coop just like an farm coop or a growers coop.
We will have a trade show so we can learn about some of the latest supplies and materials used in our business. Also will include people who supply business services like outages reporting or printing.
I have not found my ring but I have a fellow with a metal detector who came to day and will come back on Tues. I am still hopeful that we will find it.
Take care until we talk again
We will have a trade show so we can learn about some of the latest supplies and materials used in our business. Also will include people who supply business services like outages reporting or printing.
I have not found my ring but I have a fellow with a metal detector who came to day and will come back on Tues. I am still hopeful that we will find it.
Take care until we talk again
Friday, November 12, 2010
Car and Combine Both are Big C
As the day goes by the salesman show up and we have had several of them. Now we also have a new combine coming sometime in the next few months. I know before when we ordered we would get it in time for wheat harvest. Glad I don't have to wait that long for a car. I have been looking at the ad on TV and some look good but I really can't decide what I would like. Just want to be able to haul stuff in it like a truck with an inside bed so things don't get wet and you can lock them down.
I have set up at the 22 annual East Middle school craft show. We can't get in the gym until school is out after 5:00. I am also glad it is only one day. This is the only show I have this fall.
We will have our Open House at the shop Homestead Primitive on Dec 4 11:00 to4:00. Just Google us.
Take care and have a great weekend.
I have set up at the 22 annual East Middle school craft show. We can't get in the gym until school is out after 5:00. I am also glad it is only one day. This is the only show I have this fall.
We will have our Open House at the shop Homestead Primitive on Dec 4 11:00 to4:00. Just Google us.
Take care and have a great weekend.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ann's Musings Washing Machine
I want to talk about the washing machine. I believe there are some tall people who read this blog. When I purchased my washing machine I would throw in the jeans and when I opened the top there is was the clothes were all holding hands. They would wrap up around each other it looked like a rope. One day I got mad and called my washer manufacture and ask them was there a way to prevent this . For anyone who has had this problem here is the answer. You drop your clothes in piles around the wringer. Like I can get 4 pairs of jeans and a few shirts in the washer this is a top load. No more untwisting the clothes now they come out without all the wrinkles.
I don't know if you read my blog on Monday. It was a beautiful day and I planted 4 mums before they froze and cut my English Ivy back and raked the leaves around my back door. Between my garage and back door there is about 10 feet in the fall leaves gather and when you open the door they invite themselves into the house .
When I was eating supper I looked down and noticed my wedding ring was missing. Oh no did I take it off looked in all my pockets thinking I might have, well I haven't found it yet and tried to check all the things I did but no ring. Went through as many leaves as I could no ring. Today I am trying to find someone who might have a metal detector and knows how to use it that might help find my ring. Anyone who has a suggestion please fire away. Need to find this ring. Yes it is insured but I don't want to file a claim if there is another way out.
Take care until tomorrow
I don't know if you read my blog on Monday. It was a beautiful day and I planted 4 mums before they froze and cut my English Ivy back and raked the leaves around my back door. Between my garage and back door there is about 10 feet in the fall leaves gather and when you open the door they invite themselves into the house .
When I was eating supper I looked down and noticed my wedding ring was missing. Oh no did I take it off looked in all my pockets thinking I might have, well I haven't found it yet and tried to check all the things I did but no ring. Went through as many leaves as I could no ring. Today I am trying to find someone who might have a metal detector and knows how to use it that might help find my ring. Anyone who has a suggestion please fire away. Need to find this ring. Yes it is insured but I don't want to file a claim if there is another way out.
Take care until tomorrow
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Fair Dinner Election of Board
The Farm Journal cookbook was published in 1965 I don't know where I got it but I have used it several times 700 Best Desserts and Main Dish Pies. I made a cobbler instead of a pie because I think it will serve more people. Below are pictures of my cobbler just use a apple pie recipe and use a crumb topping and then I put a little frosting on top.
Another beautiful day to work outside. I got my 3 Christmas trees out among the shrub . They are white 6 ft tall and have clear lights and and I have 2 reindeer. They will be lite on Thanksgiving night and they run on a timer. I have had to replace several of the lights I just tie more lights because we can't remove the original the light strings are same color as the trees makes it so easy.
Got to go I think I will go paint for awhile. Have the Annual East Middle School show this Sat. 22nd year.
Take care until tomorrow
Monday, November 8, 2010
Beautiful Weather
Today is a perfect autumn day cool in the morning and warm in the afternoon. I decided I would rake up more leaves and that lead to removing about 3 feet of English Ivy (By the way if anyone would like to have some I would be happy to share what I have) These are the before and after pictures My son came by and ask me if I was making room for the snow this winter The is right outside my back door
Hope everyone got to spend sometime enjoying this weather. Even driving in the car you can feel the warmth of the sunshine.
A couple of weeks ago Lana at Walkingtheoff-beatenpath.blogspot.com started this cleaning and organizing thing. So I am working on my Studio and I am on my second day got sidelined by the beautiful day we are having.
I will watch Dancing with the Stars tonight, I can clean while I watch. It is going to get interesting because there aren't as many dancing
A couple of week ago we had a power outage and my neighbor called to see if I had power. Well we did but he didn't. They wanted to watch dancing with the stars I told him he could share my TV but since he didn't come over I called him to let him know who got voted off.
Until we talk again Take care and smile at someone today they may need a smile.
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